RALPH KASSIN chose RESPONSIBILITY as a trait for success: AS A CHILD, NOW, HOW CAN YOU PRACTICE BEING RESPONSIBLE?     You can practice responsibility by making a calendar and writing down your schedule. Make sure you are always on top of things like if you have homework to do,,,

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MITCHELL SERUYA chose HONESTY as a trait for success: AS A CHILD, NOW, HOW CAN YOU PRACTICE BEING HONEST?      Honesty is a very good trait to have to succeed in life. Also, when you are dishonest you will get nowhere in life and will have no friends. You can,,,

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JOE ZEKARIA chose BEING ORGANIZED as a trait for success: AS A CHILD, NOW, HOW CAN YOU PRACTICE BEING ORGANIZED?      The character trait that I think is important is being organized. I can practice this now by cleaning out my locker. Another example to be organized is to write,,,

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