Ability to Change

MICHAEL DWECK chose ABILITY TO CHANGE as a trait for success: AS A CHILD, NOW, HOW CAN YOU PRACTICE BEING ABLE TO CHANGE?      Adjusting to change is a very important trait. One example is how taking something you don’t like and using it to your advantage. Another example is,,,

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Ability to Change

ALBERT GREEN chose ABILITY TO CHANGE as a trait for success: AS A CHILD, NOW, HOW CAN YOU PRACTICE BEING ABLE TO CHANGE?      Change is important in order to succeed in life. If you ever play a sports or open a store, you have to change. You have to,,,

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ALBERT GREEN chose ABILITY TO CHANGE as a trait for success: AS A CHILD, NOW, HOW CAN YOU PRACTICE BEING ABLE TO CHANGE? Change is important in order to succeed in life. If you ever play a sports or open a store, you have to change. You have to study.,,,

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