MORRIS FRANCO chose TEAMWORK as a trait for success: AS A CHILD, NOW, HOW CAN YOU PRACTICE TEAMWORK?      To practice teamwork you must be a team player. Meaning you’re fun to be around. For example, when you’re playing basketball, don’t hug. Pass around. Or, when you’re playing football and,,,

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BEN SAHALON chose TEAMWORK as a trait for success: AS A CHILD, NOW, HOW CAN YOU PRACTICE TEAMWORK?      Teamwork is an important path of success because if you don’t have teamwork you will lose but if you do have teamwork you’re on the road to winning an example is,,,

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LEO TEBELE chose TEAMWORK as a trait for success: AS A CHILD, NOW, HOW CAN YOU PRACTICE TEAMWORK?      I think teamwork is a very important trait because if you’re having trouble with anything a friend can come and help you. Say someone is having a trouble studying for a,,,

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Abie Tawil chose Teamwork as an important character trait for success:   AS A CHILD, NOW, HOW CAN YOU PRACTICE TEAMWORK? When your playing a basketball game and there is someone that is better than you always look at the positive talents about him if he’s a good shooter give,,,

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EDMOND ANTEBI chose TEAMWORK as a trait for success: AS A CHILD, NOW, HOW CAN YOU PRACTICE TEAMWORK?      Teamwork is about caring and Sharing. Just like in basketball, you can’t win just by playing by yourself. You have to play as a team and not be so selfish. EXPLAIN,,,

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ALBERT NSIRI chose TEAMWORK as a trait for success: AS A CHILD, NOW, HOW CAN YOU PRACTICE TEAMWORK?      I think teamwork is important because teamwork helps you succeed in life. it shows how much you care for other people and when you play basketball the most important thing is,,,

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