MITCHELL SERUYA chose HONESTY as a trait for success: AS A CHILD, NOW, HOW CAN YOU PRACTICE BEING HONEST?      Honesty is a very good trait to have to succeed in life. Also, when you are dishonest you will get nowhere in life and will have no friends. You can,,,

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ISAAC QUBRUSI chose NOT BEING LAZYas a trait for success: AS A CHILD, NOW, HOW CAN YOU PRACTICE NOT BEING LAZY?      I can practice this by just taking a break after each assignment. I’m going to tell myself I want to go into a good college. I want to,,,

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MICHAEL DAYAN chose CONFIDENCE as a trait for success: AS A CHILD, NOW, HOW CAN YOU PRACTICE CONFIDENCE ?      I do whatever that I think to do not listen to others opinion. EXPLAIN HOW HAVING CONFIDENCE COULD HELP YOU SUCCEED IN BUSINESS IN THE FUTURE? It can help me,,,

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DANNY M. MASSRY chose TIME MANAGEMENT as a trait for success: AS A CHILD, NOW, HOW CAN YOU PRACTICE HAVING TIME MANAGEMENT?      Now, as a kid to practice time management, do your homework before going to play. EXPLAIN HOW HAVING TIME MANAGEMENT COULD HELP YOU SUCCEED IN BUSINESS IN,,,

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MARK DWECK chose ANGER MANAGEMENT as a trait for success: AS A CHILD, NOW, HOW CAN YOU PRACTICE ANGER MANAGEMENT?      You’re very good at sports and on your team there is a boy who is not good. He messed up. Instead, of yelling or hitting him, talk to him,,,

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Not Being Shy

SAM COHEN chose NOT BEING SHY as a trait for success: AS A CHILD, NOW, HOW CAN YOU PRACTICE NOT BEING SHY?      You should never by shy. If you are shy you’ll never speak up. You can practice not being shy by saying “hi” when you meet someone. EXPLAIN,,,

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RALPH SARWAY chose CONFIDENCE as a trait for success: AS A CHILD, NOW, HOW CAN YOU PRACTICE CONFIDENCE?      In life confidence is a key feature. You need confidence to study hard to do well on a test. EXPLAIN HOW HAVING CONFIDENCE COULD HELP YOU SUCCEED IN BUSINESS IN THE,,,

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EDDIE CATTON chose PERSEVERANCE as a trait for success: AS A CHILD, NOW, HOW CAN YOU PRACTICE PERSEVERANCE?      I can practice perseverance by keep on trying when I don’t do well in something. If it’s a hockey game or a report and I have to think to myself that,,,

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