Nissim Khafif chose Being a Giver as an important character trait for success:
You could practice being a giver by helping your friend by studying
for a test or let him borrow a game he likes.
In the future in business you should be a giver to your customers so you will get a good name and they will tell their friends about you and you will get more costumers and more success in life.
In life, some people are takers and some people are givers. On the surface, it’s seems that the people that take are benefiting more, but in the long turn the givers will benefit more than the takers, because people trust you. They see that you are not looking to take advantage of them. When Aliezar was looking for a wife for Yischak he made a sign that who ever is gonna be a giver they will get the privilege to marry Yischak. He asked Riphkah for a drink and she offered for him and also for the camels. This was a proof for him that she was a giver. Because of her actions he let Yischak marry Riphkah.
Giving to others is very important. You shouldn’t care only about yourself. Giving to others can change the world
Its always good to share
When you give hashem gives you back. When you take care of hashems creations he will make sure that your taken care of in return. When you love someone you can show it through giving a gift. The gemarah states “soneh matanot yehyeh” , one who refrains from gifts will live a long life.
A giver is always better then a taker in life. People will return the favor and it’s better for u. Even if u just give little things.
You have to be a giver because you should not be selfish and you should always give to the people in need
being a giver is very important because Hashem looks and says “he gives I will give double so when you help the people of Israel Hashem helps you even more because Hashem sees that you care so we learn that you should be a giver and care very much of the people of Israel because they are your brothers
The reason why this character is important in life is because in this generation alote of people is need in money and when u give HaShem will give you and u won’t be in need and this is why this is important character in this life
You should be a giver because you should not be rood and keep stuff only for you self
When someone gives there TIME towards another to help. They are really recieving for themselves, confidence, and gratitude to hashem. Because of how good it feels
I have learned from this is that when u give to someone they trust you and when you take some people might think you are taking advantage of them and they may not trust you
Best essay best out there
You should always be a giver never just take and you hav inspired me to master that trait thankyou
So inspiring!
U should always give
U should always be a giver and never just leave it for ur self
It’s always good to be a giver if you only know there not using you just to do good. Always be a giver but never let yourself down!
Wow very inspirational! You should always give then you can get too
Its always good to share